The LQ Lexicon

A language for healthy living

Auditory Marking Device 

A musical tone used to support the learning process by emphasizing the importance of what was just heard on a daily focus track.


The brain’s Central Intelligence Agency that was hardwired in at birth and monitors the macro elements of LQ.

Exercise Deprivation

The physical and psychological symptoms that occur as a consequence of not working out. This includes lower back pain, moodiness, and insomnia.

Hypnagogic State

The state that bridges waking and sleep and offers a unique window of opportunity for learning. 

Jiggling the data

The mental gymnastics of rationalizing frequently occurring poor lifestyle choices.

Macro-LQ elements

The ecosystem of eating, sleeping and moving.

Micro-LQ elements

The secondary components of Lifestyle Intelligence that are essential to healthy living. They are as follows:

      1. Micro-movement
         The everyday non-exercise physical patterns that are essential for brain/body health.
      1. Micro-caloric burn
        The small amount of calories burned during everyday movement that helps maintain a healthy weight.
      1. Naps
        Micro amounts of sleep (once or twice per week) have been shown to help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Mind Mapping

The cognitive process that keeps track of the sensory changes in experience as well as the emotional and behavioral  patterns that are central to healthy and productive living.

Peripheral Processing

The ability to process and utilize auditory information not noticed by the conscious mind. The HPP programs utilize this pathway to generate change.

Psychological DNA

The behavioral patterns that are passed on from parent to child as a combination of unconscious modeling and repetition.

Regression to the mean

The statistical concept that reflects the tendency for everything to drift back to its average. In the case of LQ, this means the behavioral patterns that we typically display.

Secondary Sensory Experience

The use of our internal visualization skills and knowledge to generate feedback when ordinary sensory feedback is not sensitive enough to perceive that something unhealthy is happening.

Sensory Fitness

A state of consciousness that is completely tuned into all the internal sensory channels so that the right choices are made at the right times during the course of each day.

Sleep Deprivation

Not getting the necessary sleep and easily identified by the need to use an alarm to awaken.

Timing is everything

Our bodies and brains are ruled by circadian rhythms.

Failure to understand how timing is the structure of every part of our lives results in dysfunctional living.